Have you had a chance to browse our furniture line? We think you’ll like what you see! Just in case you missed the news, IMAX was recently nominated for an Accessories Resource Team ARTS award in the accent furniture category. We have lots of great furniture pieces that are sure to go over great with your customers! In fact, check out our Adalina Recycled Silk Arm Chair, one of our favorites:
Adalina Recycled Silk Arm Chair
Silk fabric remnants are dyed, torn into strips then hand knotted to create the fibers for the Adalina recycled silk arm chair. Each strip is then weaved by hand to create the fabric for this one of a kind conversation piece. IMAX exclusive!
Adalina Recycled Silk Arm Chair: http://www.imaxcorp.com/products.php?prod=70800
Browse our furniture category: http://www.imaxcorp.com/products.php?cat=furniture